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Limited oil paintings available !

Oils on canvas
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
So many artists painted the boring vase with flowers. I painted mine.
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
So many artists painted the boring vase with flowers. I painted mine.

Oils on canvas
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
A painting based on the true story of a young Romanian doctor who lived in France, and had to harvest the organs of a young, beautiful blond girl who had a car accident. The eagles are a symbol for the other "doctors" who came and took "the prey" and left. The doctor felt a profound sadness, impressed by this girl who was so, so beautiful and so young. He worked all night till 5 am to close her body up, so they can give her body back to the family.
The walls open up so the eagles can fly away.
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
A painting based on the true story of a young Romanian doctor who lived in France, and had to harvest the organs of a young, beautiful blond girl who had a car accident. The eagles are a symbol for the other "doctors" who came and took "the prey" and left. The doctor felt a profound sadness, impressed by this girl who was so, so beautiful and so young. He worked all night till 5 am to close her body up, so they can give her body back to the family.
The walls open up so the eagles can fly away.

Oils on canvas
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて

Oils on canvas ( prints available )
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
People can sometimes get very dramatic.
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
People can sometimes get very dramatic.

Oils on canvas ( prints available )
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
Freddie Mercury at Live Aid. Good thoughts, good words and good deeds
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
Freddie Mercury at Live Aid. Good thoughts, good words and good deeds

Oils on canvas ( prints available )
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
A surreal depiction of a woman and a man.
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
A surreal depiction of a woman and a man.

Oils on canvas ( prints available )
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて

Oils on canvas ( prints available )
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
Who's your golden lady ?
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
Who's your golden lady ?

Oils on canvas ( prints available )
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて

Oils on canvas ( prints available )
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
An A.I. Hacker part man part machine in a future world
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
An A.I. Hacker part man part machine in a future world

Oils on canvas ( prints available )
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
Los Angeles depicted in the year 2585 when mountains of trash covered the city and people struggle to clean the planet taking trash in outter space.
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
Los Angeles depicted in the year 2585 when mountains of trash covered the city and people struggle to clean the planet taking trash in outter space.

Oils on canvas ( prints available )
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて

Oils on canvas ( prints available )
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
I had a dream last night. I was in a flying car over the city of Bucharest, snogging with two beautiful high school girls.
It was 6 pm and everybody was going back home.
An interesting painting technique called glazing was used for this work of art.
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
I had a dream last night. I was in a flying car over the city of Bucharest, snogging with two beautiful high school girls.
It was 6 pm and everybody was going back home.
An interesting painting technique called glazing was used for this work of art.

Oils on canvas ( prints available )
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
Once in a while we have to go back to our roots, cut all ties with technology and refresh our mind and body
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
Once in a while we have to go back to our roots, cut all ties with technology and refresh our mind and body

Hora fetelor | Girls' Hora
Oils on canvas ( prints available )
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
The Romanian spirit in one painting. Hora is a Romanian dance, where people lock arms to each other and spin. The beauty of this dance lies in its simplicity, in its circular motion and speed that can always go faster. To the artist this is more than just a dance, it is an unbreakable union between people, something simple and fun that makes us stronger while we are together.
If we imagine several people dancing in a circle at high speed, we can no longer see the persons but only the circular shape produced by their spinning bodies.
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
The Romanian spirit in one painting. Hora is a Romanian dance, where people lock arms to each other and spin. The beauty of this dance lies in its simplicity, in its circular motion and speed that can always go faster. To the artist this is more than just a dance, it is an unbreakable union between people, something simple and fun that makes us stronger while we are together.
If we imagine several people dancing in a circle at high speed, we can no longer see the persons but only the circular shape produced by their spinning bodies.

Oils on canvas ( prints available )
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
In Romania during the communist period many people ended up in jail for nothing. But when communists first came to power, citizens were attracted by their promises. That is why the woman is dragging her skirt up, she is a symbol of the society who got tempted.
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
In Romania during the communist period many people ended up in jail for nothing. But when communists first came to power, citizens were attracted by their promises. That is why the woman is dragging her skirt up, she is a symbol of the society who got tempted.

Oils on canvas ( prints available )
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
A real life event with an artist drawing a guy with a gun, at a kids party
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
A real life event with an artist drawing a guy with a gun, at a kids party

Oils on canvas ( prints available )
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
Are you the brave lion or are you the crocodile ? do you attack
straight forward or do you hide in the water until the very last moment ?
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
Are you the brave lion or are you the crocodile ? do you attack
straight forward or do you hide in the water until the very last moment ?

Oils on canvas ( prints available )
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
A bunch of students having fun
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
A bunch of students having fun

Oils on canvas ( prints available )
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
A beautiful french castle, green gardens and a blue sky
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
A beautiful french castle, green gardens and a blue sky

Oils on canvas ( prints available )
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
The bull is the symbol of persistence. I will persist until I succeed. In the Orient young bulls are tested for the fight arena in a certain manner. Each is brought to the ring and allowed to attack a picador who pricks them with a lance. The bravery of each bull is then rated with care according to the number of times he demonstrates his willingness to charge in spite of the sting of the blade. Henceforth will I recognize that each day I am tested by life in like manner. If I persist, if I continue to try, if I continue to charge forward, I will succeed.
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
The bull is the symbol of persistence. I will persist until I succeed. In the Orient young bulls are tested for the fight arena in a certain manner. Each is brought to the ring and allowed to attack a picador who pricks them with a lance. The bravery of each bull is then rated with care according to the number of times he demonstrates his willingness to charge in spite of the sting of the blade. Henceforth will I recognize that each day I am tested by life in like manner. If I persist, if I continue to try, if I continue to charge forward, I will succeed.

Oils on canvas ( prints available )
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
The Romanian spirit in one painting. Hora is a Romanian dance, where people lock arms to each other and spin. The beauty of this dance lies in its simplicity, in its circular motion and speed that can always go faster. To the artist this is more than just a dance, it is an unbreakable union between people, something simple and fun that makes us stronger while we are together.
If we imagine several people dancing in a circle at high speed, we can no longer see the persons but only the circular shape produced by their spinning bodies.
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
The Romanian spirit in one painting. Hora is a Romanian dance, where people lock arms to each other and spin. The beauty of this dance lies in its simplicity, in its circular motion and speed that can always go faster. To the artist this is more than just a dance, it is an unbreakable union between people, something simple and fun that makes us stronger while we are together.
If we imagine several people dancing in a circle at high speed, we can no longer see the persons but only the circular shape produced by their spinning bodies.

Oils on canvas ( prints available )
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
Sometimes in life we encounter many problems. But it is important to "let go" and adopt a state of semi-indifference in order to control the situation better by not trying to control it too much. That is when real freedom occurs. Does it make sense ?
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
Sometimes in life we encounter many problems. But it is important to "let go" and adopt a state of semi-indifference in order to control the situation better by not trying to control it too much. That is when real freedom occurs. Does it make sense ?

Oils on canvas ( prints available )
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
One of the most beautiful moments in life. A kiss... our characters, two golden statues.
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
One of the most beautiful moments in life. A kiss... our characters, two golden statues.

Oils on canvas ( prints available )
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
We don't know if there's a God or not, but sometimes in life, a seemingly hopeless situation is saved by an unexpected power. It even has a name: Deus Ex Machina. This is a modern reinterpreted image of the Virgin Mary, who dodges dangerous life situations, like water that flows through the rocks.
Price: on request / auf Anfrage / sur demande / 要求に応じて
We don't know if there's a God or not, but sometimes in life, a seemingly hopeless situation is saved by an unexpected power. It even has a name: Deus Ex Machina. This is a modern reinterpreted image of the Virgin Mary, who dodges dangerous life situations, like water that flows through the rocks.
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